At Home V Steam Herbs


Include one steam package for at home use.


Yoni steaming, also known as vaginal steaming, is the ancient tradition of blending medicinal herbs to cleanse, detoxify and tone the womb space and yoni. It has many healing benefits for the body and assists in balancing yin energy and connect to natural plant medicine.
• Regulating and encouraging a healthy menstrual cycle (including cramping and bloating)
• Removing toxins from the body
•Enhanced sexual energy
•Healing emotional traumas and wounds and stored emotions
•Toning the pelvic floor
•Relieving chronic infections
•Assists with healing fibroids and ovarian cysts
•Postpartum cleansing
•Relief of stress
•Stimulating blood flow
•Increasing fertility

Additional information

Steam Type

Signature, Fibroid Blend, Fertility

1 review for At Home V Steam Herbs

  1. April Laster (verified owner)

    This was a whole experience for me. I enjoyed steaming right from my living room while watching tv. Scarlet gave me all the instructions and i followed to the T including drinking plenty of water.

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